Special Education Core Skills (Birth to Age 21) Subtest 2
Subarea II. Instructional Design, Teaching, and Ongoing Evaluation
Apply knowledge of strategies and procedures for planning, managing, and modifying the learning environment for students with disabilities, including strategies for providing positive behavioral interventions and supports.
- applying knowledge of strategies for structuring the physical environment; establishing and managing routines and schedules; selecting appropriate learning curricula, materials, and technologies; and addressing and monitoring behavior to develop independence, self-regulation, self-advocacy, and organizational and time management skills
- demonstrating knowledge of evidence- and research-based strategies, accommodations, and modifications to effectively include students with disabilities in the general education setting and effective methods for fostering students' active participation and individual academic success in one-to-one, small-group, and large-group settings
- demonstrating knowledge of how to apply behavioral theory, student data, evidence-based practices, and ethical principles in conducting functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) and using the results to develop behavior intervention plans (BIPs) and classroom behavior management plans
- applying knowledge of strategies and principles for teaching and using problem solving and conflict resolution skills and for providing individual and schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), including strategies for coordinating with stakeholders in the implementation of PBIS, monitoring the effectiveness of PBIS, and making modifications and adaptations to interventions as needed
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for crisis prevention and intervention, including standards for using restrictive procedures, alternatives to using those procedures, and risks of using those procedures
Apply knowledge of effective curricular planning and evidence-based instructional practices for students with disabilities.
- applying knowledge of evidence- and research-based instructional strategies and methods to strengthen and compensate for deficits in attention, perceptual skills, comprehension, memory, and retrieval, including methods for identifying and organizing critical content and teaching learning strategies and study skills that promote acquisition of academic content
- applying knowledge of instructional methods, resources, and technologies, including the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices and digital applications for promoting communication skills (e.g., expressing wants and needs, giving and receiving feedback, producing legible documents) in students with disabilities, including students with oral communication needs or from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds
- applying knowledge of evidence- and research-based methods and strategies for using meaningful, concrete learning experiences to promote mathematical inquiry, thinking, and skills for students with disabilities
- applying knowledge of evidence- and research-based methods and strategies that enhance mathematical problem solving and reasoning, including methods for increasing accuracy and proficiency in math calculations and applications, and that promote the ability to represent, communicate, and connect mathematical ideas for students with disabilities
- demonstrating knowledge of how to develop and implement instructional sequences to address and teach transition skills (e.g., personal self-care, communication, independent living, safety, prevocational and vocational skills) that are based on the cognitive, affective, and academic strengths of each student and how to plan for transition from school to community living, recreational and leisure activities, postsecondary training, career training, and employment