Special Education Core Skills (Birth to Age 21) Subtest 1
Subarea I.1. Professional Knowledge, Communication, and Collaboration
Apply knowledge of the historical, philosophical, professional, and legal foundations of the field of special education.
- applying knowledge of the historical and philosophical foundations of special education, principles of evidence-based practice, and contemporary issues pertaining to the education of students with disabilities
- demonstrating knowledge of legal and ethical issues in special education (e.g., eligibility; equity; least restrictive environment [LRE]; free appropriate public education [FAPE]; confidentiality; due process; rights of students, parents/guardians, teachers, and other professionals) and special-education-related laws, regulations, and guidelines (e.g., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA], the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA])
- demonstrating knowledge of policies and procedures designed to assist students with disabilities as they relate to the educational system (e.g., access to grade-level content standards, early intervention services, education of English learners, gifted education, participation in school and community-based activities)
- demonstrating knowledge of finding and coordinating specialized materials, services, curricula, technologies, and resources for students with disabilities and organizations and publications relevant to students with disabilities
- applying knowledge of strategies for engaging in professional development and reflection to increase knowledge and skill as a special educator and to inform instructional practices, decisions, and interactions with students with disabilities and their families
Apply knowledge of the various characteristics and needs of students with disabilities, including factors that affect development and learning.
- demonstrating knowledge of typical and atypical human growth and development in various domains (e.g., cognitive, physical, sensory, social, emotional, communicative)
- demonstrating knowledge of the definitions and characteristics of various disabilities and medical terminology used to describe various disabilities
- applying knowledge of the educational implications of various types of disabilities, multiple disabilities, health conditions, coexisting conditions (e.g., students with communication needs), and gifts and talents
Apply knowledge of how to communicate and collaborate with others to support student development and educational progress.
- applying knowledge of assisting parents/guardians in identifying priorities and concerns about their children's development and education and how they can support their children's development; and knowledge of how to access resources, services, networks, agencies, and organizations relevant to these priorities and concerns
- applying knowledge of working collaboratively with students with disabilities and their families in designing, implementing, and evaluating evaluation summary reports, Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs), Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), transition plans, and behavior intervention plans (BIPs)
- applying knowledge of effective strategies for communicating, collaborating, and consulting with general education teachers, service providers, school staff members, and representatives of community agencies to provide services for students with disabilities and their families (e.g., advocating for services; providing specially designed instruction; organizing and developing programs, including interagency collaboration, services, agreements, referrals, and consultation)
- applying knowledge of effective strategies for collaborating with other professionals and parents/guardians on the design and delivery of early intervention services, prereferral interventions, English language learning, gifted education, and intervention strategies for promoting the academic, behavioral, linguistic, communicative, functional, social, and emotional competency of students
- applying knowledge of effective strategies for supervising, monitoring, and evaluating the activities and responsibilities of paraprofessionals
- applying knowledge of effective strategies for communicating with, facilitating, and managing student-specific teams, including child study teams, evaluation teams, IFSP- and IEP-planning teams, and transition-planning teams