World Language and Culture: German (Grades K–12) Subtest 1
Subarea II: Interpretive Reading
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic materials (e.g., articles, brochures, letters, emails, literary works) written in German.
- identifying a main idea
- recognizing supporting details
- identifying a sequence of events
- identifying a cause-and-effect relationship
- selecting an accurate summary
Apply skills of inference to a variety of culturally authentic materials (e.g., articles, brochures, letters, emails, literary works) written in German.
- drawing conclusions based on information presented in a passage
- inferring the intended audience of a written passage
- characterizing an author's tone or mood
- inferring an author's assumptions, intent, or point of view
- interpreting often-used figurative language (e.g., metaphors, similes) and common idiomatic expressions