Library Media Specialist (Grades K–12) Subtest 1
Subarea I.1. The Information Media Program
Understand the role of the information media program and its relationship to the total school program and to information and technology resources and services beyond the school.
- identifying characteristics and functions of an effective information media program
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for formulating, communicating, and implementing a mission statement and goals for the information media program that reflect the vision, mission, and goals of the district and the school
- recognizing the mission of the information media program to provide equitable physical and intellectual access to information, ideas, and learning and teaching tools
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for creating a responsive environment that promotes lifelong learning and for interacting effectively and appropriately with students, staff, parents/guardians, and other members of the learning community with regard to their information and technology needs and interests
- applying knowledge of strategies, skills, and tools for initiating and maintaining communication among the information media program and students, teachers, staff, and the community
- identifying methods for establishing and maintaining connections between the school community and the larger library community for the purposes of resource sharing, networking, and developing common policies and procedures
- recognizing the role of the information media program in connecting the school community to local, district, state, national, and global resources and strategies for involving representatives of business, industry, and community organizations as active partners in creating educational opportunities
Understand the roles and responsibilities of the library media specialist and strategies for ongoing professional development.
- identifying the management functions of the library media specialist with regard to services, facilities, and personnel
- recognizing the role and responsibilities of the library media specialist in developing short-range and long-range plans for the information media program
- recognizing the role and responsibilities of the library media specialist in providing leadership and expertise in the effective use of information resources and technologies, including instructional technology and research-based innovations, and in serving as a resource person for members of the learning community
- recognizing the role and responsibilities of the library media specialist in working collaboratively with teachers and other staff to plan, design, deliver, and evaluate the curriculum and instruction
- identifying techniques for collaborative planning and teaching to promote the development of information and technology literacy skills among students, staff, and other members of the learning community
- recognizing the role and responsibilities of the library media specialist as an advocate for the information media program and methods for using the school's mission, goals, policies, and culture to promote and advocate for the information media program
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for maintaining current, research-based knowledge about information resources and technologies, for pursuing ongoing professional growth (e.g., participation in state and national professional organizations), and for using reflection and self-assessment to improve professional practice
Understand professional standards, legal requirements, and ethical issues in the information media program.
- identifying ethical issues relevant to the activities of the library media specialist, such as bias and diversity and patron confidentiality
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for applying professional standards and legal guidelines in various information media program contexts
- demonstrating knowledge of strategies for modeling and teaching responsible and ethical access to and use of information
- identifying strategies for disseminating pertinent information about educational and technological trends and legal developments
- recognizing issues related to intellectual freedom and intellectual property and identifying legislation that affects the information media program
- applying knowledge of strategies for developing and monitoring information technology policies and procedures to protect constitutional and statutory rights
- demonstrating knowledge of the legal context, ethics, and online safety issues inherent in the use of technology for learning and communication