Agricultural Education (Grades 5–12) Subtest 2
Subarea III. Career Planning, Student Development, and Reading
Demonstrate knowledge of agricultural careers and career planning.
- demonstrating knowledge of the scope and diversity of the agricultural industry, including businesses and occupations associated with production agriculture, the use and conservation of natural resources, the supply of goods and services to agricultural enterprises, and the processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products
- demonstrating knowledge of employer expectations, appropriate work habits, and characteristics necessary for employment in an agriculture-related industry and the experience, skills, and requirements needed for various agricultural careers
- demonstrating knowledge of principles and practices for career planning and development, the role of career exploration in career planning, methods of career exploration (e.g., job shadowing, internships, mentorships, apprenticeships, supervised agricultural experiences)
- demonstrating knowledge of skills for obtaining employment (e.g., writing cover letters and résumés)
Demonstrate knowledge of student development.
- demonstrating knowledge of principles and practices of leadership and communication, including oral and written communication, that apply to organizations and community settings
- demonstrating knowledge of role of student organizations (e.g., FFA) as integral curricular components in student development
- demonstrating knowledge of characteristics and organizational structures of student organizations (e.g., FFA)
- demonstrating knowledge the roles and responsibilities of faculty advisors of student organizations
- demonstrating knowledge of types and characteristics of supervised agricultural experiences and their role in student development
Understand the content and methods for developing students' content-area reading skills to support their reading and learning in agriculture.
- demonstrating knowledge of key components and processes involved in reading (e.g., vocabulary knowledge, including orthographic and morphological knowledge; background knowledge; knowledge of academic discourse, including the syntactic and organizational structures used in print and digital academic texts; print processing abilities, including decoding skills; use of cognitive and metacognitive skills and strategies)
- demonstrating ability to plan instruction and select strategies to support all students' content-area reading (e.g., differentiating instruction to meet the needs of students with varying reading proficiency levels and linguistic backgrounds, identifying and addressing gaps in students' background knowledge, scaffolding reading tasks for students who experience comprehension difficulties)
- demonstrating knowledge of explicit strategies for facilitating students' comprehension before, during, and after reading content-area texts and for promoting their use of comprehension strategies
- demonstrating knowledge of explicit strategies for promoting students' academic language and vocabulary development, including their knowledge of domain-specific vocabulary words