Agricultural Education (Grades 5–12) Subtest 1
Subarea III. Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management
Understand ecological principles, human interactions with the environment, natural resources management, and conservation.
- demonstrating knowledge of basic ecological concepts (e.g., niche, ecosystem, water and nutrient cycles) and their applications to agriculture
- demonstrating knowledge of types, characteristics, and uses of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources (e.g., air, water, land, flora, habitat, wildlife) and their conservation and management
- identifying alternative energy sources (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal) and methods for their capture and use
- demonstrating knowledge of the effects of agriculture on the environment and strategies for preventing and mitigating environmental damage
- demonstrating knowledge of principles and methods for safe handling and storage of agricultural products and materials (e.g., pesticides, herbicides)
- identifying agencies, laws, and regulations related to agriculture and the environment
Understand soil science and soil management.
- demonstrating knowledge of soil geology and the factors of soil formation
- demonstrating knowledge of the classification and characteristics of soils and how they relate to plant growth
- demonstrating knowledge of factors that affect the distribution and availability of plant nutrients in soils
- demonstrating knowledge of types and uses of fertilizers and other soil amendments (e.g., lime, organic matter)
- demonstrating knowledge of soil management practices (e.g., tillage, crop rotation, drainage, irrigation) associated with crop production
- demonstrating knowledge of principles and methods of soil conservation and erosion control