Life Science (Grades 9–12) Subtest 2
I.1. Structural and Functional Relationships
Understand the characteristics and processes of life and structures of common organisms.
- recognizing characteristics that distinguish living organisms from nonliving things and methods and evidence for determining the presence of life
- demonstrating knowledge of structures of representative organisms from major taxonomic groups
- analyzing structural and functional relationships involved in basic life processes (e.g., obtaining nutrients and energy, maintaining homeostasis, reproducing, growing) carried out by organisms from major taxonomic groups
Understand the structures and functions of systems in plants and animals.
- demonstrating knowledge of the relationship between structure and function in the major systems in plants
- demonstrating knowledge of the relationship between structure and function in the major systems in animals
- predicting the system function of a given structure based on its characteristics and components
Understand the human immune system, human diseases, and principles of disease prevention.
- recognizing components of the human immune system and their functions
- demonstrating knowledge of immune system responses that take place in cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems throughout the progression of a given viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic disease
- recognizing causes and characteristics of common human diseases (e.g., influenza, malaria, cancer), including risk factors
- applying knowledge of methods for preventing or treating common human diseases